Carry The Load Memorial May 2023 sponsored by American Airlines

The Freedom Mobility Foundation is honored and excited for our second year as a non-profit partner of the Carry The Load Memorial May Campaign. All monies donated through this Freedom Mobility Team Page will go directly back to the Foundation after the Memorial Day event at Reverchon Park in Dallas, TX on Monday, May 29th. We also thank American Airlines for being the Official Airline of Freedom Mobility Foundation. Their support helps our dollars raised go farther!!
This year we are fundraising for retired veteran Pete Way. Pete was injured while on a combat operation in Afghanistan in 2003 when a vehicle in front of him was hit by an IED. Pete rushed to assist a soldier who had become trapped and ended up injuring his own leg from shrapnel in the process. This injury caused him to eventually need an above the knee amputation, and he is still to this day suffering from infections from the injury. Pete is an avid athlete and has started a program to encourage veterans to take part in sports to help them stay positive even with injuries.
Last year we helped physically impaired veteran Jim Madison with his mobility adaptations to his USAA/Caliber Collision donated 2018 F150. The Freedom Mobility Foundation funded his seat system with our 2022 Carry The Load Fundraiser and facilitated the installation of his track chair lift system funded by the VA.
Please help us Break Down Barriers as we continue to Move our Heroes Forward by donating and becoming one of our team members as we honor and celebrate those who have carried the load for us while reminding America of the true meaning of Memorial Day 2023.